Customer Complaints Procedure

Lifetime Training is committed to providing a quality service and achieving the highest standards of service. One of the ways in which we can continue to improve our service is by listening and responding to the views of our Customers. Therefore, we aim to ensure that:

  1. Making a complaint is as easy as possible for you
  2. We treat any complaint with our courses, products, services and/or staff seriously
  3. We treat every complaint seriously regardless of how it is received
  4. We deal with it promptly, politely and, where appropriate in the first instance informally (for example, by telephone)
  5. We respond with a full explanation and information on any action taken
  6. We learn from complaints by establishing the root cause and take any appropriate action to improve our service and your experience and that of other customers going forward
  7. Lifetime Training reserves the right to pass on relevant information to a third party where there is a valid legal reason to do so and any request for information will be investigated internally prior to any personal information being passed on

How do you make a complaint?

Customers can make a complaint in whichever way is easiest for them, for example by telephone, e-mail, or letter. You can email direct to

Customers who would prefer to make a verbal complaint can telephone Lifetime on 0117 304 8558.  Lines are open 09:00-17.30 Monday to Friday (excluding Bank Holidays and between Christmas and New Year).

Customers who would prefer to submit a complaint in writing should refer to the details shown sent to: Customer Care, Lifetime Training, Clifton Heights, Triangle West, Bristol, BS8 1EJ

What happens next?

  1. We will acknowledge receipt via phone or email within 3 working days
  2. We will complete a thorough investigation into your complaint and will endeavour to provide a full response and resolution within two weeks
  3. If you are not fully satisfied with our response/proposed resolution, you can appeal the decision and we will endeavour to resolve it to your satisfaction
  4. In the event you are still not fully satisfied you can escalate your complaint to the relevant Governing Body. Please refer to the details shown below:
    • If you are an active learner and wish to make an appeal against an assessment decision, please refer to the Learner Appeal policy provided at the start of your course.
    • If you are an Apprentice or studying a work-based learning programme based in England who receives funding from the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) please follow the complaints procedure as set by the governing body. View procedure.
    • If you are an Apprentice or work-based learner based in Scotland who receives funding from Skills Development Scotland (SDS) please follow the complaints procedure as set by the governing body. View procedure.
    • If you are a Self-Funded Learner and you wish to complain about a Learner Loan, please refer to our FCA regulated complaints.

Download our full Complaint Policy and Procedure.