Apprenticeship recruitment service from Lifetime

Want to find the best people for your business? We’ve got you covered. Our apprenticeship recruitment service attracts, pre-screens and shortlists fresh talent, tailored to a wide range of sectors, roles and departments.

Why Lifetime?

  • 5,000

    applicants generated each month, each mapped to your roles
  • 300+

    vacancies filled each month, each increasing our candidate pool
  • £1.4m

    recruitment incentives secured for our partners annually
  • 35k average

    visits to our vacancies
  • Sector expert

    recruitment coordinators on hand
  • Partnered

    with all major job and apprentice vacancy boards
  • Localised

    engagement with referral partners
  • Bespoke marketing

    campaigns to boost reach

We recruit for:

Administration, HR and customer service roles

IT, data literacy and analysis roles

Leadership and management roles

Retail, marketing and eCommerce roles

Hospitality and catering roles

Adult care and early year childcare roles

Your vacancy is advertised on

Proven recruitment success

  • Apprenticeship training provider for Mitchell & Butlers
    Myth busting at Mitchells & Butlers
    Leading hospitality employer Mitchells and Butlers partnered with Lifetime to drive its new ambition for recruiting 16-18 year olds. Find out how we've successfully unlocked talent across the business.
  • Apprenticeships fit for the future
    A switch to purely external training means Nuffield Health now optimises its levy. Here’s how we’re aligning apprenticeships to its latest strategy, The Big Build.
  • Financial Ombudsman logo
    Leveraging the power of digital
    Shifting to an entirely digital recruitment approach armed the FOS with a flexible and effective strategy for hiring fresh talent.
  • Coach core logo
    Driving social mobility
    We're working with Coach Core to provide opportunities for all. Together, we’re leading the charge in supporting diversity, inclusion and social mobility.

Looking to hire an apprentice? We can attract driven, engaged talent to your organisation, at every programme level.

Let's talk

Our partnership with Lifetime has been integral to developing a successful young talent recruitment strategy. Many of our apprentices have gone on to become managers and supervisors. This talent progression is exactly what we were after - and proves that apprenticeships are an incredibly effective way of developing and retaining talent at M&B.

Lauren Carroll, Vocational Learning Attraction Manager at Mitchells & Butlers

Whether you’re looking to minimise skill gaps, invest in new talent or to simply spend your apprenticeship levy, we make hiring an apprentice easy. Our recruitment process for apprentices is designed to enable business growth and find new talent.

Our apprenticeship recruitment service works hard for businesses across a variety of sectors, selecting apprentices at advanced, intermediate and higher levels. All too often, businesses will try to buy skills whether this is through expensive recruitment fees, inflated salaries or the use of temporary contracts.

Costing an estimated £6.3 billion per year, this approach is not only expensive, but also unsustainable. For many businesses, it doesn’t provide a long-term skills solution.

We believe in developing lasting skills from scratch, by growing them across your organisation and enriching your workforce for the long term. The start of a sustainable skills development programme begins with a quality apprenticeship recruitment process.

At Lifetime, we’re proud to be a Patron Member of the BAME Apprenticeship Alliance. That means we’re actively committed to supporting learners of all backgrounds. Our screening process focuses on applicants’ potential and helps remove unconscious bias, providing opportunities for those in BAME (black, Asian and minority ethnic) communities. Find out more about apprenticeships and social mobility.

The search to hire an apprentice starts with the widest possible reach. Using a multi-channel approach, we make sure that your vacancy gets maximum exposure through our channels. Our branded employer and sector recruitment pages attract people actively seeking apprenticeships within your organisation or industry. Already have vacancies? We can help. Speak to our team to find out more.

Aside from assessing eligibility and role-specific competencies, we take a forward-looking approach, focusing on candidates who display a clear motivation and potential. We take the time to understand your business in terms of growth plans, workforce skill priorities and future commercial ambition. With our bespoke selection service, we’ll only select candidates whose behaviours and motivations align with your role, and your business goals.

The initial stages of apprenticeship recruitment are often the most time and labour-intensive. Doing this internally places a huge demand on time and resources – with no guarantee of a quality shortlist. Our teams have 10+ years of expertise in intermediate, higher and advanced apprenticeship recruitment, completing initial sifts, pre-screens and eligibility checks on all applicants. We’ll produce a hand-picked shortlist of quality candidates that your recruitment team can progress for the interview.

Let's talk

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